58 thoughts on “A Thought for Monday”

  1. Hey Jim, I heard on the TV this weekend that wingless dragons don’t like red pepper flakes but birds don’t mind them at all. Don’t know if it is true but I thought I’d pass it on.

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  2. I know that guy in the photo! His nickname is “Jack the Monday Morning Quarterback of New Guinea!”
    ^^🙈 Iggy

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      1. Jack is from Papua New Guinea and he has a political talk show on Fox where he explains that poor people have way too much and rich people don’t have enough. I’m an immigrant from Borneo and I’m just glad I wasn’t somebody’s lunch or an employee in Ivanka Trump’s purse Factory. 😨👛👜👞👟😒

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      2. LOL! here’s how it happened: Donald Trump built a Trump Tower in the middle of my natural jungle Borneo habitat causing all of us baby orangutan’s to flee by wheelbarrow fulls! I was one of the lucky ones sponsored by Buffalo Tom and Gunther so I could come to the US. I’m always looking over my shoulder for ICE agents trying to send me back to Borneo to do dishes in the Trump Tower dungeons. 😐

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      3. LOL! Good one! we all thought Trump was from Russia…. later on we found out he was on parole from hell. Unfortunately, us orangutans, don’t have the legs or arms for wall building or giving Melania pedicures and facials… so we became refugees…

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      4. you should of had your cousin Clyde there when Trump showed up so you could have said that “Right turn Clyde” just like in the Clint Eastwood movie.

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      5. Hahaha! Clyde is definitely one of the few orangutan’s that has gone on to achieve fame in the motion picture industry… he is somewhat of a sot requiring that he be “liquored-up” in order to function which poses a problem for us 4th graders… which would have turned us all “Every Which Way but Loose!” Not to mention the AA meetings…🙈😒😨

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      6. see if you had some Home Depots there you could have found plenty of help in the parking lot to build the wall for you. how do you think Trump can afford to build his hotels???

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      7. Hahaha! Hahaha! you have to sue Donald Trump for your paycheck because he never pays willingly… he’s that kind of a sleazeball. I figure Trump gets all of his money from Vladimir Putin who gets it from the wallets of the reporters impress people that catch the notorious “Russian flu” and mysteriously disappear…
        ^^ Iggy Zhivago

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      8. sue El Presidente? I don’t think so. he declared that he can pardon himself so I’m sure he would also declare himself about any tort court.

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      9. I wonder if Trump has looked a few years down the road when everything about he and his crime family has been revealed and picked over publicly. Trump makes Caligula look like a piker. I predict the entire Trump family will become pariahs and Jared Kushner will complete his “transitioning” and become Kayla “KiKi” Kushner Moscow real estate agent extraordinaire! Ivanka I will be given a job refurbishing Buster Brown Shoes for the Smithsonian Institute, in an effort to pay off her legal expenses. Eric Trump will go bankrupt in the Trump tradition and be forced to scrub the skid marks from his own Underpants with Ajax cleanser and a toothbrush. Donald jr. will become part of the elite sales force at Fabian Fontaine’s used car lot in Peoria, Illinois. Tiffany and Barron will anonymously disappear into the Russian Steppes never to be seen again. Melania will return to her former profession as a fetish porn actress. there you have it!
        ^^The Swami Buffalo Tommy 👍👍

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      10. well, I suppose a girl has to do what a girl has to do if she needs employment later on. ya never know when a hidden talent comes in handy.

        I wonder if she needs a co-star???

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      11. oh, she is definitely not a miner. That would require physical exertion. Melania extracts gold from her selected “Schlemazel” in exchange for… lets say… a quick peek into her private pantry But never expect her to hold hands with you in public! there are many other rules, too numerous to mention, in the predatory schlemiel/schlemazel “arrangement.” 🙈😩

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      12. I suppose I can live with the not holding hands thingee. view her pantry?? I want what she’s got in there? probably gourmet pasta and gourmet soups and other gourmet food items so she can eat well versus the peasant food that I have. I’m pretty sure she doesn’t have any Campbells soup on her pantry shelves.


      13. Melania’s private pantry contains ONLY Hemlock and toadstools… and the heads of her unwitting victims… 😁😨🙈🍄

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      14. Be sure to include a warning on your party invitations which reads:
        Melania’s pantry is not unlike a serial killers crawl space and smells like swamp gas! Enter at your own risk! Hazmat protections recommended! Halloween Horror!

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      15. Considering the Trump track record for bankruptcy and failure be sure to get your cash up front… don’t forget, it was Eric Trump who stole charitable donations from St Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Once a grifter always a grifter.😒

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      16. I’d run the operation and be the one that sells the tickets. I’ll make up all sorts of promises and then declare bankruptcy myself.

        anyone stealing from children’s charities needs to go to prison and meet Big Leroy.

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      17. LOL! I think Donnie doll hands AKA Donnie two scoops would feel forced to shut down your operation and have Jeff Sessions confiscate your personal property. LOL! Especially if you keep Eric Trump from stealing the March of Dimes canister on the counter! You don’t want to upset Eric because he’ll go on Fox News fuming that “you aren’t even human!” Yikes!

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      18. what do I care if Eric goes on Fake News and is interviewed by Bill O’Reilly? I’ll just make by deposits to a Swiss Bank account and El Presidente’s cousin Jeff can have lotsa fun trying to get the money away from the Swiss.

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      19. I definitely admire your determination and devil-may-care attitude! you remind me of a young Thomas Alva Edison! 👍💡👍

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