A question for you

So there I was all by my onesy being perfectly well behaved and well mannered when I suddenly thought “Yanno, I’m kinda hungry but I don’t know what I’m hungry for.  That and I don’t wanna spend a whole lotta time fixin’ something.”  Despite what you may think, I don’t have any Ritz Crackers so that option is out.

Question:  What would you fix for yourself in a case like this?

49 thoughts on “A question for you”

  1. I keep sliced turkey for just these times, no sandwich, no nuthin’ just several slices of sliced turkey AS IS.

    Might just might, follow with a pickle if I deem it isn’t too much work. or if I was my “HE” I’d end with spoonfuls of ice cream straight from the carton. NUTZ “HE” would start and end there. Good hunting. ~~dru~~

    Liked by 2 people

    1. add some white whine with that turkey. I won’t say nuttin’ if you drink it straight from the bottle. 😉


      1. Why that is PURRFECT and from the bottle takes me back to my childhood.

        …picture a young and vibrant dru in her rough crocheted purple poncho with a coordinating head scarf, sitting on the hood of her ’57 T-Bird (3rd ownder, not 1st) chugging white table – ha who were they kidding- wine out of a gallon jug. I started as I meant to end and did a good job of it, given that set of criteria!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. pfffft. I highly doubt you’re going to hell unless you’re like a really bad person or an axe murderer or a Trump supporter.


      1. Really? Since I am new to travel blogging, that means a lot. hopefully coming weekend I will be off to a new adventure. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Milo and milk 🙂 (1/2 cup of milo, the rest milk) … hang on, thats a pre-menstrual fix ….
    Ummm … for you … peanut butter and jam on toast 🙂 loads of butter too 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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