Two Days Before the Official Start of Spring


So we did a little walking around outside this afternoon.  The sun feels so warm on your face and it quickly warms whatever dark colored clothing that you may be wearing.  And then the breeze picks up again and quickly cools off everything once again.  My hands felt awfully cold without having any gloves on them.  I quickly shoved them into my vest pockets.

I checked my garden beds just to see where I was after the past couple weeks.  Yeh, looks are deceiving.  They looked like they were thawing well that is until I put my garden fork in them.  I hit frozen soil only a couple inches down.  The weather lady says it may be warmer tomorrow versus what was forecasted.  Well, I guess I’ll get back out and turn the soil to help encourage it to thawing out.

In the mean while there is some lawn to walk and sticks and minor branches that blew out of the trees over the winter that need picked up and deposited in my fire pit.  It’s time to gather them all up and maybe I’ll have a bit of a fire next weekend to get rid of them all.  So yeh I’m getting a tad anxious for warmer weather.


12 thoughts on “Two Days Before the Official Start of Spring”

  1. Looks lovely. We had plus 7 C here today and I couldn’t find any snow left today and I saw the first crocus, so now we must have Spring around the corner. “Pling”

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    1. we’re only at 3C for today. maybe it will be warmer tomorrow. I find it curious how you are further north than me but have warmer weather. “pling”

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  2. We had a total winter wonderland thing going yesterday evening. It started as few flurries then I noticed it getting darker and the snow really came down. There had to be about 3-4 inches but it was the light fluffy stuff and most of it’s melted today. Looks like we might skip spring this year.

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