Let’s see who is around this Sunday

Let’s say you’re at home and completely minding your own bizness when suddenly …


Jason and Gary suddenly appear in a time machine.  They tell you that they will transport each of their followers one at a time to any point in time in the past or in the future to meet and talk with anyone of your choosing. (Ya see they really do have this huge following and these powers of persuasion)

So you ask them “How can you manage to do this given the large number of followers that you have?

And Jason says “We have a time machine so time really isn’t a problem.

And Gary says “Yeh but no meeting Tom Brady because he’s Jason’s nemesis and you only get 15 minutes cuz we have a lotta people to get thru before cocktail time.”

Who would you want to meet?

I would want to meet and talk with Charlie Chaplin to see what made his mind work.

24 thoughts on “Let’s see who is around this Sunday”

      1. I haven’t played yet. I don’t really like the hotel people here. Lol. It also took 2 hours to get here from the airport. I paid $34 for room service last night.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. other hotels on the strip for the future. a bus driver told me that the Rio had the best buffet. that’s been a while so I don’t know if they still do. the express bus drivers are pretty good sources of info.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I get they are probably wore out because of winter weather travelers but this “IS” what they get paid for after all.


  1. Just saying…..an x of mine……a long long time ago went to, I believe it was Switzerland, where Charlie Chaplin lived at the time and did a documentary on him. So I know him once removed. Same with Marilyn Monroe. I would want to meet Gandhi.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I don’t follow them so I will stay out of this one.

    On another note, I think they should get rid of the “LIKE” button here on WordPress

    Liked by 2 people

  3. For me I think Pablo Picasso but also just about anybody who isn’t me. Every time I turn around, there is me staring me in the face.

    I’m tired of myself but too lazy to do anything about it.

    I think I’ll sit back and ponder this question some more.
    Thank you Jim…..o and Jason & Gary too.

    Liked by 2 people

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