Art Sunday #57: Stephen Njenga – SN 28


Born in 1962 in Thogoto, Kenya, Stephen Njenga was raised in a home that happened to be of the Kikuyu tribe.

Making his own art is a fulll time career for Stephen Njenga, now in his early fifties. His style includes using water colors, oils, and pastels to make semi abstract African paintings on canvas and paper. His artworks push the limits of expressing textures, colors, shapes and pattern forms. It is a continuous process for this African artist who explores various mediums and different concepts of the subject at hand. What absorbs Stephen Njenga’s Black African art the most is his portrayal of moods and themes through colors in his artwork so that it shows livelihood and existence in a positive light.


6 thoughts on “Art Sunday #57: Stephen Njenga – SN 28”

      1. Me too and the “simple” lines. With a few contours he makes the whole painting and set some lovely colors to the picture. I watch and learn 🙂 “pling”


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