Five for Friday

It’s a tad past the normal tine of week for this. Let’s see where ,my brain takes me to this week.

  1. Sophies likes me sharing animal crackers with her.
  2. My version of MS Office won’t update. Bill done went and made new upgrades only specific to certain version. That’s his way of making sure that you buy the new version and pay full price for it. Stupid Microsoft.
  3. I can start getting knee deep in yard chores now that it has warmed up and appears to be staying that way. However, this is the Frozen Tundra and you never really know.
  4. This is a good weekend to finish putting plants in my garden beds. I’ll have to start a couple jack o’lantern plants sometime in the near future. Maybe the greenhouse down the road has some cantaloupe plants.
  5. I like it whenever the postman drops off boxes of record albums. It’s like Christms morning unboxing them.

There you have it. Feel free to comment and/or wave a friendly “HOWDY!” if’n you want to.