Some Pics of Berlin this Monday Afternoon

Most everyone wanted to take the optional afternoon excursion but I wanted the free time to go exploring two Christmas Markets.  You didn’t get anything to eat if you left a Christmas Market hungry.  It was a curry wurst and pomme frites kinda deal for me today.  It was good.  I don’t see the point in traveling 4,000 miles and not trying something new and that was new for me.  I realized too late that I had some how managed to get a smear on my camera lens.  I have to pay more attention to

I have five new Christmas stars since my oldest and Boogie wanted a new one each.  That reminds me to buy a new light for home and the kiddos.  I love these Christmas Markets and it’s been since 2010 since I;’ve been to one.  That’s way too long for a return visit.  I’ll have to do something about that for the future.

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