Five for Friday

It’s that time of week once again to try to bring some balance to my world.  Let’s see if I can get thru this week …

1. No, I do not like the new editor.  Maybe I’ll take some time out to actually learn to use it and get past the the “newness” of it all.  Some day when it’s really icky bad out there.

2. Lotsa heat in store for us for a while.  We used to call this “corn growing weather” when I was a kid.  The down side is this is the last decent weather month for us.  It makes me kinda sad knowing that.

3. My materials are here!!!  Woo hoo!  Lotsa work this weekend in the heat.  I hope I have enough Powerade in the fridge.

4.  I would almost give anything to be walking a sanding beach once again.  There is something about being on one while the ocean waves come crashing in.  It’s somehow very calming for me.

5. Is there anyone out there?  Sometimes I wonder.

OK.  Feel free to comment or wave “Hey!” on the way thru if you would like.  🙂