Oh Good Lord!


And the conspiracy theories have already started and I’m pretty sure the ashes haven’t cooled yet.  I wonder what facility is missing one or some of its residents.  Let’s add to it …

Space aliens did it to prevent the Easter Bunny from delivering chocolate Easter eggs which will hatch and lead to the South rising once again.  It was all caused when the POTUS and other world leaders used the glowing orb in the White House to summon the Death Star.  Don’t believe me?  I heard it somewhere on the net or on Fox News.

14 thoughts on “Oh Good Lord!”

  1. I had a dream once, that I was on an Easter egg hunt in Central Park and everyone was dressed as the Easter Bunny. A murder occurred and I had to figure out who did it. So, I’d say your theory is spot on.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. What is a conspiracy theory? Is that kind of like “some people did something” on 911 ?

    As for this, I would not venture to guess what caused it since I wasn’t there and didn’t witness the fire. But I guess half the world did and they all have a different version of the story…

    Liked by 2 people

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