24 thoughts on “Attention Minnesota Shoppers”

    1. ahhhh. a woman who has had an image or two at the walmart burned into her eyes. and you still lived to tell about it??? you are a wonder woman Miss Wendy. πŸ˜‰

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      1. Anyone who’s lived through it does have some superhuman strength! Ha! I don’t shop there anymore. Several years back, I was party to a fracas there over who got in line first. I genuinely feared for my safety, as did the manager apparently, who ran off and locked his office. Peace out, Wal-Mart. Geeezzzzzzzzz.

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      2. oh lordy! were my relatives shopping in your neck of the woods? you’d know them from the mullets that they still have and the worn out tee shirts that they wear. and that’s just the wimmen!

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      3. well, I don’t make fun of them unless it’s about their NASCAR addiction and then I say “NASCAR! Go fast, turn left!”

        but what do I know? let’s get started on their teeth.


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