Tuesday Morning


Yeh, that’s some of that icky bad white stuff of the ground in downtown Minneapolis.  It happens this time of year.  You move along find going from one season to another and then …


You get this stuff.  Fortunately there wasn’t a lot of this stuff and I had to travel north to see it.  There was quite a bot of it at the airport but what do I care about the airport?  I mean, it’s not like anyone lives at the airport.  It’s just close to where I park my ride so I can catch the train into town.  The sun will be out soon enough and this will all disappear soon.

15 thoughts on “Tuesday Morning”

  1. Ewwwww…….keep your seasons to yourself. 🙂

    A couple weeks ago we had all four seasons in one day. I took a walk in the beautiful sunshine to look at all the buds and flowers and of course it started snowing on me. Rain, thunder, snow, sunshine, we had it all like massive temper tantrum or something.

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