Monday Musings


Rain today.  Cold rain.  It’s the rain that soaked to the bone and sent shivers up and down your spine.  Fortunately I worked from home today so I didn’t have to go out in that mess.  I’m glad I didn’t.  I would have had soaked shoes and wet feet walking to the train platform.  No worries.  I keep spare socks at work just for that reason.

I transplanted my asparagus after I shut down for the day.  It’s going to have lots of time to recover and the soil wasn’t frozen.  This Fall has been so mild and we’ve only had the one time where it snowed and the ground was somewhat solid.  That’s all past since the temps warmed up and I figured now was as good as any time to move them.  I’ll add some new plants this Spring and see what I get 3 – 5 years from now.

All of this warm weather has had me thinking about doing those three raised garden beds now instead of waiting until the Spring.  The downside is the compost yard is closed, so I couldn’t get any soil even if I did finish the beds early.  Maybe it’s one way of telling me to slow down and not be in such a big hurry.


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