Monday Night


The forecast for the next few mornings leave me shivering and dreading the end of January.  I get to look forward to a -34*F (-37C) on Thursday morning.  No, it’s not going to be tropical between now and then.  It’s going to be temps that will make me want to hibernate until late April.  I would except there are some of God’s creatures that need the help and I can’t neglect making sure that feed and water are out for them.

Tomorrow begins serious bundle up time for me.

22 thoughts on “Monday Night”

      1. I just ran an errand and take a yoga class. It is so terrible and slippery as you start to accelerate when sitting at a stop light. You just feel the black ice forming every where. I came home sooo crabby. But, Then (according to my weather app) its going to be 39 on Saturday. 🤷🏻‍♀️

        Liked by 1 person

      2. kinda painful too. LOL

        oh wait! maybe I’d get rehab again and be surrounded by a number of single nurses! I sure hope they would be women and not dudes.

        Liked by 1 person

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