Five for Friday


It’s that time of week once again where I do battle with my brain just to show it who is actually in control.  Let’s see …

1. My old MacBook is running great and is mucher fasterer now with a SSD installed.  I keep it in my home office so I’m not transporting a Mac from upstairs to down.  Plus it’s my new test bed to try out apps before they go on my new Mac.  I figure I’ve more than gotten my money’s worth out of the old one and it’s better to crap out the old Mac versus the new.  I’m testing Opera for Mac as a new web browser.  It’s been a long time since I’ve used Opera but I’m really liking this version.  Now I want to download and try out a fan control app this weekend to see what it does and if it works like others say it does.

2.  It’s a rather tropical -10*F (-23C) with a rather pleasant -27*F (-33C) windchill.  Yes, winter in central Minnesota has definitely returned.  I’m gonna die.

3. I caught sight of my bunny late yesterday afternoon.  It’s nice and fluffy and that’s probably partly due to me feeding it this winter.  I have to check it’s feed dish since we have a new covering of that icky bad white stuff.

4. Government employees never cease to amaze me.  I have a couple that are bond and determined to prove me wrong.  They keep forgetting that I’ve had more time in a Government bathroom than they have had in this career field.  It’s kinda funny watching them try to outfox me.  Good luck with that.

5. There are all sorts of little mouse tracks in the fresh snow below two of the bird feeders.  I apparently have one busy field mouse living underneath my central air unit.  I checked the tracks in the snow and it looks like it’s not attempting to get in or out of my house but it leaves me a bit at odds with myself.  I normally eradicate mice whenever possible since they will eventually try to find their way indoors (big mistake with Miss Lily being the good mouser that she is).  But I guess it’s doing no harm and is doing nothing more than cleaning up after the birds.  I think I’ll just leave it alone for now and see what happens.

That’s it for this week.  Whew!  Take that brain!

Feel free to comment and/or wave a rather vigorous “Howdy!!!” on your way thru if you would like.

43 thoughts on “Five for Friday”

  1. Brrrr! And so much white stuff out there! I realize I can’t complain on our weather, around zero C and no white stuff. But I want Spring anyway. Now! “Pling”

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m about to throw up after reading all the flirting here on this post 😉

    It’s 81* F here in the land of eternal summer where I am very grateful to be living this time of the year after hearing everyone else in the country bitching about the cold.

    About the mouse that you are gonna leave alone to see what happens. About 100 by spring time.

    I dont’ live in Texas anymore so won”t be leaving a “howdy”

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Come to think of it, I don’t think I have ever seen you say “howdy” . I’m not really gonna puke, just laugh 😛

        Liked by 2 people

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