It’s that time of week once again boys and girls!


Yes, it’s the once-every-two-weeks staff meeting that I have to attend because the boss said so and I really, really like getting paid and Wells Fargo likes it when I get paid because I can then make my mortgage payment.  I’m just so exciting to attend this week’s meeting that I’m doing the “Lil’-ol-fat-man-dancing-in-his-chair dance”. How do you know this?  Cuz I told you so that’s how!

I’m so excited.  I think I may even put forth the effort to attempt to look like I’m interested in anything that is being discussed.

22 thoughts on “It’s that time of week once again boys and girls!”

      1. Even better ! You could just put a big cardboard cut out in front of the screen next time … one of you looking thoughtful and attentive 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Only $5’s and higher? Now you have me thinking about that thing where someone asked me if I knew how many of the 1 dollar bills in my wallet had been in the crack of a dancer.

        Liked by 1 person

  1. I would love to go to meetings . I would just sit there and imagine everyone in their GStrings 😂 ummm poor me never had any meetings to go to.

    Liked by 1 person

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