31 thoughts on “Maybe it’s just me but …”

      1. Hah!! How’d yah know LOL … don’t forget the matching platform shoes and the side burns 🙂 You could play with your Orb all day … whilst getting some exercise 😉

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    1. that must be “The Orb of Destiny” and only the 1 percenters get to view. the rest of us have to gamble on the lotto.


  1. Our Prez has been grabbing orbs (big and small) for decades now. Probably the same for the others too. I thought this was an obnoxious photo opt and wondered if after they held the orb, they each get their own light saber. ~~dru~~

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      1. unless you’re poor like me. then you have to grab your own orbs … which leads to some interesting stares and some conversations with the Police.

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