Five for Friday


1. Happy Veterans Day Grandpa!  We will have a lot of catching up to do one day.  I’m sure Uncle Fred will have some jokes too.

2. I have a hankering for a big ol’ cheeseburger for supper tonight.  That and some onion rings and big glass of ice tea to wash it all down.  I know it’s not healthy eating but I can use it after this week.

3. I found an excellent chicken pot pie recipe that I’m gonna try this weekend.  Now I just have to see if I can actually make a pie dough.  It sure gonna be an interesting experience for me.

4. Number 3 means a market trip for me.  Maybe I got lucky on one of my lottery tickets.  I hit on one of them Tuesday when I checked them.  I won a whole $4.00!  I told the cashier I wanted my winnings in really BIG bills.  Yeh, I got a “Yanno, you’re damn crazy!“look from her.

5. Here’s another view of our weather for today for Miss Anna.  It’s a beautiful 8C (46F) out there right now.  The birds are enjoying the feeders and Mr. Squirrel is gone … for now.  I wondering where my cardinals went and where the Blue Jays are.  They will be a nice sight come winter.


22 thoughts on “Five for Friday”

  1. I have the BEST simple pie crust recipe if you want it! It is grandma-quality and stupid simple… Lemme know. Probably something I should share this time of year, huh? 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. For lack of a better way… here it is. Enjoy!

        Elma’s Foolproof Pie Crust

        4 c. flour
        1 T sugar
        2 t. salt
        1 ¾ c. Crisco
        1 T white vinegar
        1 egg
        ½ c. water

        With pastry blender mix together the first 4 ingredients until well combined. In a separate bowl, combine vinegar, egg and water. Whisk well. Combine the two mixtures stirring with a fork until all ingredients are moistened. With your hands, mold into a ball. Cover with clear wrap and chill at least 15 minutes before rolling. Makes 2 large pie crusts

        Food processor method: In a medium bowl, combine vinegar, egg and water and mix well. Set aside. In your food processor fitted with a dough hook/blade, combine flour, sugar, salt and Crisco. Pulse until well blended. Add the wet mixture and mix until your dough balls. Remove the dough and form into a ball. Cover with clear wrap and chill at least 15 minutes before rolling. Makes 2 large pie crusts.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Happy Veterans Day, Jim! Thank you for your service! Enjoy your burger later! Keep playing the lottery because you never know! Lol. I’m about to go buy some lottery tickets.

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