OM said I’d lose friends by posting about aluminum foil.


Is it aluminum foil or tin foil or al-u-minium foil?  I dunno.  I don’t even know why I’m wondering why I’m wondering how it’s exactly pronounced.

So anyway this guy says I’ll offend someone with this post.  So I say “Oh yeh?

Feel free to comment if you’re offended or not.

67 thoughts on “OM said I’d lose friends by posting about aluminum foil.”

  1. How really weird at my last family gathering I was asked the same question. I said it is really aluminum foil in the US and al-u-minium foil in England and parts of Europe but we in the US call it tin foil. AND that’s all I think I know. Who the hell cares? Evidently I didn’t follow this “:situation” on Jason’s blog. ~~dru~~

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    1. I always put the shiny side down. I like to think it reflects the heat better but when I actually think about it, it’s probably just a gimmick to sell more tin foil.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Its aluminum foil, damn it! You have no idea how many arguments this has caused between me and my British husband, who still insists on pronouncing it as al-u-minium, which is WRONG! This could lead to a divorce, or at the least a temporary separation.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Everyone who pronounces English words “kerrectly” knows perfectly well that it’s pronounced
    “al-you-min-ium.” The rest of us are apparently saying it wrong. I was sent here by the great and powerful wizard of OM, Mr Cushman. All the best!~Deon

    Liked by 4 people

  4. Ah, it’s not what you write but how you write it. There was a blogger a number of years ago who wrote a sexy post about clingy plastic wrap. It was by far the funniest blog post I have ever read. Wish I could find it again.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. holy crap! this actually works! well what do you know? that Ninja guy was right. now it’s all gonna go to his head. he’ll be unbearable for a while now.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. well, I’ll be a gracious host and let you feed the offender to the fish. just think, it could be a whole know idea for a book. I get to write the forward if that’s the case.

        “It was a dark and stormy night and Linda was on a mission. Oh yes. A mission where her mafia rapidly came to the forefront. I’m sure we can overlook a few peccadilloes.”

        Liked by 1 person

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