Saturday Morning


We have overcast skies out there this morning.  It’s not unusual for this time of year.  Winters stay long and Springs are typically short for this part of the Hundred Acre Wood.  But would like to see some consistent blue skies and sunshine once again and to give Mother Nature a boot in the butt so she will quit stalling on Spring around these parts.  It gets old.  Real old.

So I sit here making mental notes on what I need to get done for this last day of April.  I know I’m ahead of schedule on some things and on schedule with the rest but I would like to finish up on the balance by next weekend.  That will leave my garden mostly done with leaving the tomatoes and the sweet potatoes for Memorial Day weekend.

That leaves my yard that I neglected last year and am paying for now.  I’s going to be a long summer with that problem.  I’ll get it fixed but it’s gonna be a PITA and a PITA I could have avoided had I actually got off my hiney last summer and did what I was supposed to do.  Oh well.  Live and learn I guess.

So here I sit in the meanwhile sipping on my Saturday morning coffee and watching the birds return once again to my feeders.  We send April 2016 packing off into memory tonight.

9 thoughts on “Saturday Morning”

  1. Aprils gone? It never started! We had two March according to the weather, so I want a real April now! I don’t have time for May yet. “Pling”

    Liked by 1 person

      1. well, lets hope May finds absolutely no snow in Minnesnowta…and that Spring lingers … no overly hot 90ish days…

        Liked by 2 people

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